Monday, March 2, 2009


In a nervewracking and exciting special election day, filled with snow, phones, and nervous waiting, I am so happy to announce that fellow Young Republican Rosa Rebimbas has won her race and is the next State Representative from Naugatuck's 70th District!!!

It was a very close vote, 1043-965 and with the blizzard that pounded us last night and into the early afternoon, it was a crazy day. But major, major kudos to Chris Fryxell, John Healey, Bryan Sundie, Len Greene Jr., and all the guys at the House Republicans who put so much time and effort into this race. They ran a pheonomenal campaign and I was so proud to be a part of their team.

Thank you to everyone who helped, whether physically, or through your thoughts, prayers, and good wishes. It all went into good use, and finally SUCCESS! Days like this make me proud to be a Republican and even more proud to be a memeber of Connecticut Young Republicans.

We are strong, we are capable, and we are ready to win!

Congratulations Rosa!!!

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