Saturday, February 28, 2009

YRs for Rosa Rebimbas!

Today in Naugatuck, State Rep. Candidate Rosa Rebimbas had multi state support in her quest to fill Kevin DelGobbo's shoes as the next State Representative from Naugatuck's 70th District. CTYR Chairman Jerry Schwab and I were honored to be joined by Maine YR State Chair, and current YRNF Regional Vice-Chair Candidate Kerry Sullivan, as well as New York YR Vice Chair Lynn Krogh and New York YR past State Chair Jason Weingartner.

It was an awesome day for all, as we were joined by this dedicated group of individuals from our region, as well as Young Republicans from across the state, current State Reps. Dave Labriola and Tony Hwang, CTOGP Chairman Chris Healy, and a group of dedicated local volunteers all with one intention- PUT ANOTHER REPUBLICAN IN HARTFORD!

Simply put, this is the most basic objective of the Young Republicans - making sure Republicans hold elected office in our towns, in our states, and in out country. CTYRs were so excited to host Jason, Lynn, and Kerry as they showed their dedication beyond their state, striving to renew the Republican party and the Young Republicans.

No questions asked, we need to get back to the basics. Educate and Elect, and all will fall into place. Thank you NYYRs and MYRs for your support!

1 comment:

Lynn Krogh said...

It was a great time buddy!