Monday, February 9, 2009

CT Democrats Want Change...From Your Pocket

A month into this year's legislative session. Millions added to the current deficit. And the Connecticut Democrats still don't seem like they want to do anything about it. For a while, I have been worried about a more socialist driven agenda coming from the federal government. I'll be honest, it doesn't seem like it is going to be that bad. Our own state, however, now thats a communist of a different color.

Governor Rell has been wise, if not down right daring, in her attempts to trim the budget deficit over the coming fiscal years. In this time when Connecticut families are feeling the crunch of hard economic times, the Governor is doing her best to make sure that the State Government is not living a life of lavish style while its residents are stumbling and struggling to get by.

Let's take a look at those families for a minute. They need more money in the bank. There are two solutions to achieve that: bring in more money, or put out less. Well, these days companies are nowhere near the ballpark of providing raises, in fact many are imposing raise holds on their employees. So no extra money coming in. That means that output needs to go down. It is a lesson that the Connecticut Democrats need to learn.

In a time when many residents are trying to scrape up money to pay rising bill costs and pay down debts so they can stay in their home, they hardly have extra money to throw around for higher taxes. But that is exactly how the Connecticut Democrats want to trim the deficit. They are selfish, and care more about their own positions in the State Government than the people they serve.

If Connecticut residents are sending more of their money to Hartford, that is less of their money they can use to spend in Connecticut businesses. That is less of their money that is being injected into the American economy, at a time when families and businesses all across the country are feeling the economic impact.

Business creates jobs. Business stimulates the economy. And the Democrats don't care. They are stuck in a tax-you-back-to-the-stone-age mantra. They don't mind killing business, rising unemployment, and stealing money from the residents of Connecticut, as long as they still have $30,000 to tell them Asian Americans live in Connecticut.

We need to decrease the size of the government, not the size of our bank account. As Ronald Reagan once said, "Government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem." It is time the Connecticut Democrats began keeping money in their constiutents pockets, rather than spend it for them. We need efficiency. We need to taper the size of our government. And the Connecticut Democrats need to stop being selfish.

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