Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Young Republican National Federation Elects New Officers

Last week, 8 members of our organization attended the Young Republican National Convention in Indianapolis, IN.

All had a tremendous time, with the opportunity to meet YRs on the national level and be a part of the national process.

We would like to extend our congratulations to the new officers of the YRNF, all supported by the Connecticut delegation:

Chairman: Audra Shay (LA)
CO-Chairman: Lisa Stickan (OH)
Vice Chair at Large: Jason Weingartner (NY)
Secretary: Chelsea Chapman (TX)
Treasuer: Kelly Arnold (KS)
Auditor: Dennis Cook (IL)
Assistant Secretary: Daniel Kinnamon (IN)
Assistant Treasuer: Dr. Dana Gordon
Northeast Regional Vice Chair: Kerry Sullivan (ME)
NE Regional Directors: BJ Perry (NH) and Sammy Roth (DC)
State Chairman's Association Chair: Jenniffer Rodiriguez (CA)

There are plenty more regional officers across the country that we would like to congratulate, but would take too long to list all of them here. We are confident that each of them will bring the good work of the YRNF all across the country.

But perhaps more importantly, three of our own were honored at the convention:

Chairman Jerry Schwab was named as Chairman of the Site Selection Committee.

Secretary Elissa Voccola was appointed to the Campaign Committee.

Executive Director Chris Ford was elected as Northeast Regional Secretary and designated for appointment at the fall board meeting to the Constitution and By-Laws committe.

Please join me in congratulating all of our new officers and keep an eye out for an event we are currently planning for the beginning of August.

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