Thursday, January 22, 2009

When Chris Dodd apologizes, so should Joe Lieberman

State Democratic Party Chairwoman Nancy Dinardo sent a letter to Sen. Joe Lieberman on Jan. 16 asking Senator Lieberman to apologize for supporting Sen. John McCain in the 2008 Presidential race. Ha. But where is the letter to Sen. Christopher Dodd, asking him to apologize for defrauding the people of Connecticut, sleeping while the banking industry he was supposed to oversee collapse, and taking a VIP mortgage deal while his constituents struggled to pay their own outrageous deals, only to see many of them forced out of there homes?

Hypocrisy can be a very interesting, especially when it is used to such great effect by the Connecticut Democratic Party. It is becoming more apparent every day, as the deficit continues to grow and the Legislative Dems continue to do nothing about it, that the Connecticut Democratic Party is more concerned about fixing the cosmetic problems than the actual problems.

During a vetting process in the United States Senate that Marilyn Manson could survive (as long as he's a liberal), issues take a second seat to political agendas. Hilary Clinton and the crew have some serious conflicts of interest. Timothy Geithner forgot to pay taxes. As Treasury Secretary, he is head of the IRS. Interesting combination.

Chris Dodd has sat on paperwork revealing what everyone already knows, the VIP mortgages for over 200 days. CTGOP's Everyday Republican and their Dodd Watch have kept tabs on the disgrace known as Senator Dodd, and have waited as patiently as the constituency of Connecticut for Dodd to reveal his wrongdoings. When Governor Roland was in office, Democrats were quick to jump on his back and take him for a ride. But when a Democrat is in trouble, heaven forbid anyone takes a stab at him. Strange, considering the right is about to be a lot more open to President Obama than the left ever was for President Bush.

How can the Connecticut Democratic Party harass a United States Senator for voicing an opinion, and ignore one who helped play a key role in the economic crisis we now face (or perhaps I should say ignored his own role). One of these days the Connecticut Democratic Party will wake up and realize that in order to be a good political committee, they need to hold their members accountable for real issues.

They need to call their members out for significant problems. And they need to ask for an apology when needed, like when a Senator screws his constituency by wasting their money in a useless bid for the White House, and not when he expresses support for an opposition idea. And Please all note, Republicans who supported Obama are not being thrown out of the Republican Party. But we're the party of exclusivity. Shocking.

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