Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Call to Arms

It has been a long time since this blog has been active, but get ready beacause we're coming back full force. Seems strange to do this now with the party in such a disarray and pretty much on its last go around the race track. So why this, why now? The answer, my friends, is so much simpler than we realize.

700 days. It seems like a long time, but before we know it, the next set of elections will be here. Regardless of whom we voted for to be the next President of the United States, or the next member of Congress or our State Legislature, the Republican Party cannot simply sit around and let this opportunity pass us by. The American people and the residents of the great state of Connecticut have seen fit to put forth Executives and legislators of overwhelmingly Democratic affiliation. That’s okay though, because partisan politics is good, partisan politics is what the founders had in mind. It ensures that the minority opinion is heard.

But what color is in control of the houses of the legislature should be immaterial to the overarching principle of democracy: to govern. The Republican Party has the opportunity to rethink, regroup, and rebuild. No one has ever said it was going to be easy, but in the end, it will be worth all of the effort that we will have put into action. The next two years are going to be crucial in our efforts to strengthen our party and reclaim our territory on the map of the American political world. Are we going to sit in the corner and sulk because we did not get our way? No. Now is the time to step up and prove that partisan bickering aside, we stand to serve the people of our state and nation.

To govern is to choose, and it would seem that our party has two choices: play the role of the immature child who holds its breath and stomps its feet when daddy says no to a candy bar, or the role of the wise and sage trustee of the American people. We do not have to work for the Democratic Party, but we do need to work with them. When we do, when we set aside any excuses that anyone may have to say that the GOP is vindictive and bad for the American people. There is only good, there is only the opportunity to speak. Let us be vocal in our opposition to the ideals we do not believe in and do the same in support of the ideals we hold true. Let us raise the level of public debate in this world and let that be our legacy

1 comment:

thegratefulife said...

If taken advantage of the CT Republican Party could have a powerful platform to run on.

A UCONN/ Courant poll showed that 65% of Connecticut wants direct democracy. Who cares? You might say, it was voted down in November.

Direct democracy was not voted down in November, it was the Constitution Convention that was defeated. A primary reason was that the Vote Yes campaign was comprised of many different interest groups. These interest groups were in my opinion correctly labled as "Special" intersts by the opposition. By labling them as "special" the democrats were able to instill fear into the minds of voters that turned the Vote Yes campaign into an issue based campaign rather than a campiagn to bring direct democracy to CT.

The Vote Yes campiagn needs to drop the issue and it should be taken up by the Republican Party. This will take the focus away from the negative associations of special interests and being tied to a feared Constitutional Convention.

While taking up the cause, the Republican Party must directly link Drirect Democracy to the First Amendment Right of the right to petition the govt. Point out that in 31 other states the right to petition the govt has been extended to direct democracy. Then postition the issue as anyone who is against direct democracy is FOR trampling on the rights of CT residents that is gaurenteed to them under the Constitution of the United States.

This should have a couple of effects. First democrats will not be as vocal about their opposition to direct democracy. The interest groups and lobbyist that back the democrats will be forced to take up the battle because they will not want to lose the power they hold over Hartford. This can be used as proof the Democrats are not working for the people, but "big business."

If people percieve their rights being trampled on by democratic leaders they are going to feel obliged to vote for a party that will give them the power they should already have.

It will also bring the Republican party back to its roots; being the party of small govt. Republicans will be able to answer to question of controversial issues that may alienate potential independent voters with, "It is not the govts business to dictate your lives... We should let the people decide."