Tuesday, August 21, 2007

RNHA Elects New National Board and Executive Director

WASHINGTOND.C. - The Republican National Hispanic Assembly (RNHA) announced their new elected national leadership and the appointment of its new national executive director. The RNHA is the national organization of Hispanic Republicans and conservative Latinos aimed at connecting the Hispanic community and the Republican Party.

"The Hispanic vote will be a decisive factor in the 2008 elections. Our next President could very well be elected as a result of the choices made my Hispanic Americans. The new leadership of the RNHA is committed to advancing and promoting the core beliefs and principals of Republicanism. Hispanic values are Republican values and our job is to make that clear," stated the new RNHA National Chairman, Danny Vargas.

The new RNHA executive committee is comprised of:

Danny Vargas, National Chairman (Virginia) – A Virginia businessman and national Hispanic activists and business advocate, Chairman Vargas is the former State Chairman of the Virginia RNHA. Vargas leads the local Chamber of Commerce and is an experienced Republican operative, serving on several local and national campaigns.

Marco Diaz, First National Co-Chairman (Utah)
Larry Meneses, Second National Co-Chairman (New York)
Alci Maldonado, National Secretary (Florida)
Rick Aguilar, National Assistant Secretary (Minnesota)
Duffy Acevedo, National Treasurer (Connecticut)
Bob Spindell, National Assistant Treasurer (Wisconsin)

Samuel Bettencourt was named as the new National Executive Director of the RNHA. Bettencourt has over 20 years of experience in organizational management, grassroots campaigning and fundraising. He comes to the RNHA from theAlliancefor Marriage where he worked as Vice President of Advancement and Strategic Initiatives.

In addition, Dr. Pedro Celis, the immediate past chairman, will continue to serve on the national board of the RNHA. Dr. Celis, of Washingtonstate, served as the RNHA National Chairman from 2005 - 2007, and also was chairman and founder of theWashingtonstate RNHA.


The mission of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly is to build a membership organization to foster the principles of the Republican Party in the Hispanic community, provide Hispanic Americans with a forum to play an influential role in local, state, and national Party activities, increase the number of Hispanic Republican elected officials, and create and maintain a network of Hispanic Republican leaders.

Care of Republican National Hispanic Assembly

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