Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Healy Elected to Own Two-Year Term as State Chairman

CTGOP Elections Update: Healy Retains Top State GOP Post

By MARK PAZNIOKAS The Hartford Courant 10:32 PM EDT, June 26, 2007

"Chris Healy was re-elected Tuesday night as Republican state chairman, two weeks after informing the GOP's state central committee he was an alcoholic and had been convicted of drunken driving for the second time in five years."

CTGOP Officers Elected: Care of the "Everyday Republican Blog"

Secretary Bill Jenkins
Treasurer Jerry Labriola
Vice Chair Lisa Carver
Chairman Chris Healy

"Healy, a former newspaper reporter, lobbyist and campaign consultant, was chosen as state chairman in January with the support of his predecessor, legislative leaders and an old boss, former U.S. Rep. Rob Simmons, R-2nd District."

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